His street art, which combines graffiti writing with a distinctive stencilling technique. He is really cool! I love the way he combines the stencilling technique with graffiti. "Tranditional Graffiti" are just some beautifully drawn text or words which i think is quite ordinary and boring.
But in his graffiti art, he combines stencilling technique to make the graffiti more smooth and have more details.
Most importantly, social issues are frequently used as the topic of his graffiti art.
As you know, after the terrorist attack in the metro (mtr thing?! i can't remember... ) of London, the Bristish government decided to put some cctv on the street.
haha, not difficult to know that most people would against this policy. Banksy is one of them. He created quite a lot of graffiti art about the cctv. He is highly involved in political issue! HE IS REALLY COOL!
And here are some more works of Banksy.
Banksy's website.